Filmography from Georg Blomstedt

The Million Dollars

The Million Dollars

A.-B. gifta bort baron Olson

A.-B. gifta bort baron Olson

Ship Ahoy!

Ship Ahoy!

Chief of Police

Back Shot

Back Shot

The tailor

The Girl from the Marsh Croft

The Girl from the Marsh Croft

Hildur's Father

The Dangerous Game

The Dangerous Game

Halta Lena och vindögde Per

Halta Lena och vindögde Per

A woman's tomorrow

A woman's tomorrow

The Girl in Tails

The Girl in Tails


Longing for the Sea

Félix Escartefigue

Sons of Ingmar

Sons of Ingmar

Man outside church

Muntra musikanter

Muntra musikanter

The Rivals

The Rivals

Thomas Graals myndling

The People of Värmland

The People of Värmland

Baron Olson

Baron Olson

Folket i Simlångsdalen

Folket i Simlångsdalen

Mälar Pirates

Mälar Pirates


Artificial Svensson

Artificial Svensson

Colonel Sixten Björklund, Mary's father

National match

National match

Lars Erik Andersson

Boman på utställningen

Boman på utställningen


A Maid among Maids

A Maid among Maids

Per Olof Berg





Pinet, Theater Director

Kalle Utter

Kalle Utter

His Life's Match

His Life's Match

Sir Arne's Treasure

Sir Arne's Treasure


A Lover in Pawn

A Lover in Pawn

Parish Clerk

Thomas Graal's Best Film


The Ingmar Inheritance

The Ingmar Inheritance
