

Raylene was born Stacey Briana Bernstein to a Mexican father and Jewish mother on February 12, 1977 in Glendora, California. Raylene first met several porn stars at age 15 during an excursion to Lake Havasu City, Arizona. She began performing in explicit hardcore movies at age 19 in 1996 under the name Alexis Fontaine and did her first boy-girl sex scene with Mark Davis. Raylene signed an exclusive contract with Vivid Entertainment in 1998. She was featured in a cage dancing with Kobe Kai during a performance by Kid Rock at the 2000 Grammy Awards ceremony. Raylene won a XRCO Award for Starlet of the Year in 1999 and an AVN Award for Best Actress - Film in 2001. In November, 2001 Raylene decided to retire from the adult film industry so she could pursue a career in real estate instead. She quit dancing in 2004. Raylene was inducted into the AVN Hall of Fame in 2008. However, she started performing again in porn movies in 2009 for about five more years before retiring for good. Raylene was briefly married to Brad Hirsch and is the mother of a son. She lives in West Hills, California.

Birthday: 1977-02-12 (47 years)
Place of Birth: Glendora, California, USA
Known For: Acting